About me 
My name is Hannah Bruynzeel, I'm a 23-year-old filmmaker, videographer in music (SKELETON VIDEOGRAPHY) and now starting photographer from the Netherlands. 
Photography has always been a hobby of mine and my first step into the digitally visual side of work. My love for photography has been growing the last couple of years and so I felt it was time to publish it somewhere as portfolio work. I am currently (2020) graduating in Audiovisual Media from University of Arts Utrecht (HKU). 
In love with music (who doesn't) and its creators, so my interest in shooting is mostly musicians in or out of action. 
I can't wait to shoot and learn more, so please contact me for any interesting jobs or collaborations! The fastest way to connect is actually through my very unprofessional personal Instagram: 
@hannahbruynzeel or @skeletonvideography 